Audio Mixing vs Audio Mastering

September 22, 2021

Welcome back to the Flare Compare blog! Today, we will shine a light on the topic of Audio Mixing vs. Audio Mastering. Both processes are crucial to the production of quality sound in the music industry, but what exactly are the differences?

Audio Mixing

Audio mixing is the process of combining individual soundtracks into a single stereo or multi-channel track. It involves balancing the different elements of a song, including vocals, instruments, and effects, to create a cohesive and enjoyable listening experience.

During audio mixing, the mixing engineer can adjust the volume, panning, equalization, and compression of each individual track to make sure everything sounds its best. With the use of digital audio workstations (DAWs) like Logic Pro X, Ableton Live, or Pro Tools, mixing engineers can manipulate sounds in a multitude of ways.

Audio Mastering

Audio mastering is the final step in the audio production process. It involves the polishing and fine-tuning of a mix in order to optimize it for distribution.

Mastering engineers use equalization, compression, limiting, and stereo enhancement techniques to ensure that the final product is both cohesive and professional. The goal of mastering is to ensure that the whole album or project sounds consistent, regardless of the differences between tracks.

The Difference

While audio mixing and mastering share some processes, such as equalization and compression, the primary difference lies in their objectives. Audio mixing focuses on the individual elements of a song and balancing them out for a quality mix. Audio mastering takes the balanced mix and polishes it to create a cohesive final product. Think of mixing as the construction of a house and mastering as the interior design.

The importance of both processes cannot be overstated. A well-mixed song with sub-par mastering will ultimately sound mediocre. A poorly mixed song with great mastering can only go so far. The two processes are complementary, and neither should be dismissed as unnecessary.

The Cost

So, now comes the question, how much do both processes cost? While costs can vary greatly depending on the studio, experience, equipment, and complexity of the project, we have compiled some data on the average prices for both audio mixing and audio mastering.

According to, the average cost of professional audio mixing ranges from $300 to $2000 per song. Meanwhile, the average cost of audio mastering ranges from $50 to $300 per song. Of course, there are less expensive options available, but always remember: you get what you pay for!


Audio mixing and audio mastering both play a critical role in the creation of professional and polished audio. Mixing and mastering engineers have specific skill sets and work toward different goals, yet both are needed for musical excellence. In summary, audio mixing is the foundation, and audio mastering is the final polish.

Thanks for joining us today on this audio technology journey. We hope this blog post was informative and engaging. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us anytime.


  1. "Audio Mixing - The Basics." MusicTech. Accessed September 22, 2021.

  2. "Audio Mastering – What Is It? And Why Is It Important?" LANDR. Accessed September 22, 2021.

  3. SoundBetter. "How Much Does It Cost for a Professional Song Mixing Service?" SoundBetter. Accessed September 22, 2021.

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